Kia ora e te whānau,
Here are the HBLA selections for 2025.
Please read everyone’s blurb and then fill in the form at the bottom of this page.
While it may have ‘Y1-3’ or ‘Y4-6’ next to an HBLA’s name, this is indicative only (with the exception of Charis who is New Entrant LA for 2025). Rest assured we will place your child in the HB that will best meet their needs.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Charis Huhta # New Entrants

Kia ora e te whānau.
My name is Charis and I will be teaching in the Yr 0-3 community in the 2025 school year. I have taught for a number of years in both Primary and Early Childhood settings.
The early school years are an exciting time for children and their whānau. As a proud parent of two teenagers, the transition to school for both of them, filled with joys and worries, is imprinted on my memory. I am passionate about creating a calm, structured, fun, gentle, inclusive learning environment where the children are the starting place for each of their HB learning journeys. I support this journey by helping young children develop an in-depth understanding of our school values. I love to learn outside of the classroom so we weave weekly trips and outings into our routine and need parent support to do this.
My teaching practice centres around the NZ Curriculum with a focus on weaving individual interests and voice throughout our learning, alongside developing learner dispositions. I have a passion for supporting children with diverse learning needs and a special interest in effective, evidence-based teaching practices for developing strong literacy skills in all ākonga. Our HB will continue to learn through the Better Start Literacy approach next year. In my free time, I am an outdoor enthusiast who is most connected to my own wairua and whakamana when I am ‘out and amongst it”’ I love teaching at Ao Tawhiti for the freedom to create a classroom anywhere and the sense of community that is created by having so many engaged and enthusiastic students, families, and staff around me.
Mary Lee # Year 1-3

Tēna koutou katoa
I te tau ko tahimano, iwa rau, iwa tekau, mā toru, I haere mai au ki Aotearoa.
Ko te Rotorua nui ā Kahumatamomoe ahau.
Ko Ōtautahi tōku kainga inaianei.
Ko Mary tōku ingoa
Ko Zach tōku tane.
Ko Ella and Lily aku tamahine.
Kia ora o te whanau,
Hi everyone! I’m Mary Lee, and this is my second year at Ao Tawhiti as an LA. Many of you might know that I have two beautiful, energetic daughters, Ella and Lily, along with my husband, Zach, and our friendly dog, Toby. I come from an early childhood education background, and teaching has always been a true passion of mine. I’ve been in this field for over 20 years, and the teaching environment is truly one of my happy places!
What’s it like in my homebase? I work hard to create a calm, friendly, fun, and safe space for learning. I love everything about nature, music, and providing a wide variety of learning experiences. I believe children learn best when they feel happy and supported, so I enjoy working with parents and caregivers to make sure everyone feels good and ready to learn.
In my homebase, the children love going on lots of trips, and they say I’m kind, trustworthy, and make learning fun! Some even say I help bring out the best in them, which is the best compliment I could ask for!
Daisy-May # Year 1-3

creative – cosplayer – crafts – cozy – caring – calm – curious – community – chatty
Kia ora koutou! Ko Daisy-May tōku ingoa.
I am a creative at heart and a huge video game and anime nerd. I am active in the Ōtautahi cosplay community, attending events year round and co-founder of Kōwhai Fan Fest. Others would describe me as quiet, calm, and kind… but as you get to know me I also have a chatty side that loves to discuss anything and everything – whatever you are passionate about I want to hear about it!
My homebase this year has a cozy-comfy nerdy vibe. We love a follow-along drawing tutorial, Pokemon, quiet nooks, trips, listening to music, and arts and crafts. This is what I am naturally drawn to but I am also very flexible and adaptable. I believe it is a joint decision between everyone in the HB what kind of environment suits us and adapting it as the year goes on to meet the needs and interests of everyone.
Mel Fisk # Year 4-6

Kia Ora!
I am Melanie Fisk. I have been working with tamariki and our special character here for almost twenty years now! I have a love of learning, for myself and in the tamariki I work with. I also have two children of my own who have moved through Ao Tawhiti. I am committed to our philosophy and special character. I firmly believe that we are all learners and teachers, and that the passions and interests of the tamariki I work with should shape the learning we engage in.
I am excited to be working with a new group of students in 2025. My passions are reading (everything – fiction, non fiction, graphic novels, I will read it all!) writing, (I love writing poetry, journaling and I often have the idea for a novel in the back of my mind too!). I love Science and exploration of the world around us, and Hauora/health (I have an especial appreciation of mindfulness and other strategies that enhance the wellbeing of the tamariki working with me, as well as for myself).
I love working with students who are curious, who have questions and observations about the world and the things that intrigue them. I love to work with students who want to work to find answers for many the questions and wonderings they have, and to share this learning with the world. Curiosity is a gift to cherish and nurture! I am looking forward to working with a group of students who are passionate about learning and want to make changes in the world and in themselves in 2025.
Jenny Ward # Year 4-6

Kia ora e te whānua o te Ao Tawhiti,
Ko Jenny tōku ingoa!
My goal for Homebase 2025 is to foster artistic and creative opportunities that challenge and engage the Homebase in meaningful learning. Critical thought, discovery, curiosity, collaboration, community, and the city scape are what drew me to AT and this is what I plan to rock next year!
I have taught for 22 years in the Bay of Plenty, Christchurch, and even in Norway so I have lots of different experiences. Next year will be my fourth year at Ao Tawhiti and I am keen to work in the Year 4-6 area of our kura.
I will form solid relationships and encourage children to achieve their goals as well as providing a solid foundation! In 2017, I received a Master of Education with First Class Honours from Canterbury University. My thesis was in the field of writing and I am passionate about literacy using diverse approaches!
I am a creative lateral thinker with a good sense of humour. My hobbies include singing, art, theatre, and tramping. I am also learning to play the drums and love adventures.
Melva Gill # Year 4-6

Kia ora Ao Tawhiti whānau, as with all learning in the HB I wanted to hear from tamariki first about the learning in our space so tamariki making decisions for 2025 can know what it’s like in the learning culture we create together.
“Everyone feels welcome. You always get to be creative. You always feel respected. You make it fun to learn by making it a game or something. We know that everyone is different. When you are stuck on something you always find your way out. It’s kind. You are listened to. We make mistakes and it’s ok. We learn something new every day. You have each other in the HB.”
One of the many aspects I want for our HB in 2025 is for them to continue to grow and develop as leaders in their diverse learning journeys. I’m looking forward to working with you and our tamariki to create a supportive and caring environment. A place of strong Core Values that challenge us to keep growing and where we are valued for all the things that make us unique – a place that encourages our sense of mana to grow.
Our HB goal is to make learning happen anywhere and in any way and for this to be possible we need active and involved partnerships between you our whānau, our children and the kura, supporting all the tamariki in our HB to create something very special together.
I also want to support our learners in developing a learning ‘toolbox’ with growth mindsets which they use to tackle literacy, numeracy, the arts or technology. With this ever-changing and growing toolbox, our tamariki can investigate their world, make critical thinking decisions and share their insights through real-world projects, artwork, inspired writing or a diverse range of technology.
You’re always welcome in the HB, it’s your learning space too. Feel free to stop in and chat or help out – without you resourcing all our tamariki throughout the week we can’t realise the promise of our Special Character and the student’s arotahi pathways.
Ngā mihi nui, Melva
Nicole Cunningham # Year 4-6

Mā te kimi ka kite, mā te kite ka mōhio, mā te mōhio ka mārama!
Seek and discover, discover and know, know and become enlightened!
Come on a new adventure with me in 2025!
Are you inspired by nature, motivated by learning outdoors, keen to discover the living world, passionate about our planet, and wanting to make a difference? Then I’d love to be your Year 4-6 LA next year.
My plan is for us to be based at the Climate Action Campus two to three days a week. We will structure our programme so that there are many opportunities for you to follow our homebase inquiries and meet your Arotahi goals in this awesome environment.
I am very excited to have my own homebase next year! I have been a Release LA at Ao Tawhiti for two years and have been a teacher for 25. I have a passion for ‘place-based’ education, integrated mahi, and learning through a Te Ao Māori lens.
I love tramping and am working my way through the Great NZ Walks with my friends. The forest, beach and the river are my favourite places. I am a keen cyclist and bike to kura most days. I also take singing lessons… in an endeavour not to hurt the ears of others with my tunes.
Please check out my responses to the FAQ so far and email me with any other questions you have.
Ngā mihi, Nicole