Annual Christmas Wrapping Fundraiser at South City Mall

It is that time of year again! Last year we wrapped gifts for customers at South City Mall for a gold coin donation and made around $1500 for school. That money has been used towards resources for 4.2 and structured literacy.

The managers at South City were so impressed with how we ran it last year, we have been invited to run the stall again.

It starts this Saturday. If you are free for 3 hours in the days leading up to Xmas, please consider volunteering to help with this fundraiser. You can add your full name to this document. As it is a public document we are not asking for contact numbers.

I realise it is short notice, and that we are still at school next week… if you have been wanting to support Ao Tawhiti all year, but have not had the opportunity or the right occasion, this is your chance!

Any issues please contact