Exam leave for NCEA Level 2 and 3 students

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We are running derived grade exams for NCEA Level 2 and 3 courses in week 9, the week beginning September 16. During this time, the colour block level 7 and 8 classes will not run. Students in these levels should come to school only to sit their exams. We are not able to offer any classes or supervision at these levels during the exam period as staff will be busy overseeing the exams. The exams are spread across Monday to Thursday and senior classes resume on Friday September 20. The exam timetable is attached for your reference. These exams offer students an important opportunity to test themselves against the NCEA standard, gain valuable feedback from their LAs to help them prepare for the final exams, and produce a derived grade should they be unable to sit their final exam at the end of the year.