Mates and Dates Program

A message from Miriam

I am pleased to announce that we will be running the ‘Mates and Dates’ programme for all year 9 – 13 students over the next couple of terms. The ‘Mates and Dates’ programme has been developed by ACC to promote safe, healthy and respectful relationships among students, within the Health and PE area of the NZ Curriculum. ‘Mates and Dates’ focuses on the social and emotional aspects of having relationships. It teaches young people how to have relationships based on respect, negotiation and consent. It will be relevant to all students, because the skills taught can be used in all relationships from friendships, to whanau to dating. ‘Mates and Dates’ is designed to not only increase knowledge and awareness of dating violence, but to change attitudes and behaviours, so that students can keep themselves and others safe.

‘Mates and Dates’ is facilitated by trainers from ‘Kidpower’* who have been trained and assessed by ACC for this programme; we try to have a male and a female trainer in each class, and an LA, who will participate in the training, and support students.

Year 11-13 students will attend the programme this Term (well before NCEA exam pressures), starting on Friday 6th March at 10 – 11am for year 11s, and at 11.15am – 12.15pm for year 12s and 13s. Year 9-10 students will attend during Term 2 or 3 once we finalise the booking.  The programme is run in Year groups, yes year groups! Although this is not our usual way, it is important that age appropriate material can be introduced and discussed, and new concepts/issues added each year level.

I am very keen for students to do this programme to help them learn additional safety skills, but also to develop our culture of care in school.  ‘Mates & Dates’ has been well researched, so we know it’s safe and has positive impacts for young people’.**

If you would like more information about this programme, please contact me, or discuss with your Community Leader.  If you are uncomfortable with your student attending the programme, or a specific topic, please complete the ‘opt-out’ form below, email me at:

**Mates and Dates:


Opt-Out form: