Request to Support Students with Allergies in the School.

Kia Ora Ao Tawhiti Community,

The senior leadership team has been working with a family to mitigate anxiety and risk with food at school, specifically a severe allergy to Peanuts.

There are many of you who are already supporting this family by choosing to substitute or exclude Peanuts from your child’s lunch and we want to thank you for that.

This is a complex situation and the senior leadership team have made the decision to make Floor Two Peanut Free. This means that if a child has a food containing peanuts in their lunch then they will be able to eat this on Floor One, Three, Four or Matai Common (senior students).

Foods that contain peanuts may be everyday foods for you such as:

· Mixed Nuts

· Peanut Butter Sandwiches

· Biscuits with peanuts

· Muesli Bars

· Satay

· Salad/Garnish with peanuts

· Foods prepared or containing Peanut Oil

Over the next couple of weeks, Community Leaders and Duty staff will be working with learners who bring food to Floor Two that contain peanuts, to the new locations where they can safely eat these.

When students are not eating, we will also encourage them to ensure lunchboxes are closed and safely in bags so students can safely move between floors.

We would also ask that food prepared in Bake Sales are peanut free.

We really appreciate the support of this student and her family.

Kind regards
