Whanau Update 30th January

30 January, 2022

Kia ora koutou

I hope everyone is enjoying the last few days of the school holidays. 

We will publish the colour block courses and timetable tomorrow afternoon so students Year 7 and above can choose courses for term one. Please do this before IEMs. We will let you know via social media and the website when this is available and the link to find the information. 

Year 7 – 8 students – you are choosing classes just in blue, green and purple colour blocks as your Homebase programme encompasses yellow and red and incorporates literacy and numeracy. 

I wanted to update our whānau about our arrangements for the week ahead and how we can mitigate risk as Omicron starts to spread throughout the country. The measures outlined below will help our learners to return to school and reconnect with their friends and education, as well as keeping people safe. They will help slow down the spread of Omicron which will enable us to provide great programmes on site for our learners, as we work to minimise disruptions due to staff and student absence. 

Monday Staff Only Day
Tuesday and WednesdayIEMsBook an IEM
Year 1 – 6 student requiring supervision
Thursday and FridayStaff Only Days
Monday 7 FebruaryWaitangi Day
Tuesday 8 February9am start in Home BaseNormal timetable 

IEMs will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday. Whānau and students (year 4 and over), without medical exemptions, are asked to wear masks to the IEM. If whānau choose not to wear a mask then please contact your child’s Home Base Learning Advisor. They will organise to hold the IEM online. We will have spare masks available at reception – just ask Beth. 

She is the new student administrator as Jonelle is now our Business Manager and Clint is our Property Manager. 

Please contact trace through the COVID scanner and sign in and out via school apps, or the IPADs at reception. 

There is some helpful information available to support you on the Unite Against COVID-19 website including How to book a vaccine for your five – 11 year old and some great videos on the Kids Health page that can support you to talk to your tamariki about COVID-19 vaccines.

Managing cases in the kura. If we have a confirmed case in the kura then we will work alongside the Public Health Unit who will determine the safest response. We will use our contact tracing tools and attendance registers to support identification of close contacts. 

Support for whānau. We are aware that Omicron arriving in the community will be tough for some of our families. If you are self-isolating and need support you can call the COVID Welfare Phone Line 0800 512 337. It is open seven days a week. There are links to other support services if needed at the bottom of this communication. 

Please contact the school if you have any questions or concerns. I know that the start of the year can feel overwhelming in ‘normal’ circumstances, so it is understandable if you and your children are feeling a bit uncertain. Your child’s Home Base Learning Advisor or Community Leader are great places to start when looking for support. 

Ngā mihi nui


More support for people who are affected by COVID-19

Self-isolating at home because of COVID-19

Many people will be able to manage self-isolation with help from friends and whānau, but there is help available if you need it – both with health support and access to food and other essentials.

·   What to expect when self-isolating at home | Unite against COVID-19 (covid19.govt.nz)

·   Getting extra support if you have COVID-19 or are self-isolating | Unite against COVID-19 (covid19.govt.nz)

·   COVID-19 positive – managing your symptoms | Health Navigator NZ

If you know anyone in your community affected by COVID-19 and who may need help, such as food and other financial assistance, Work and Income has a range of supports available for individuals, families, employers and self-employed people affected by COVID-19.

Work and Income support

The beginning of the year can be a tough time for parents who are faced with many costs and it is important you are aware of what assistance you may be able to get from Work and Income. These are available to people on a low income as well as those on a benefit.

Check what you might get here

·   School costs

·   Out of School Care and Recreation (OSCAR) Subsidy

·   Other Childcare Assistance

·   School and Year Start-up Payment (for people getting Orphan’s Benefit or Unsupported Child’s Benefit)

·   Help with living costs (including food and rent/mortgage)