I started at Ao Tawhiti in 2017 when I was in Year Seven. This is my last year as I am in Year Thirteen. I came to this school because my older brother and sister were at this school. I wasn’t being pushed enough at primary school and I wanted the opportunity to do what my siblings were doing. I also wanted to have opportunities to work ahead and meet young people more like myself. Highlights over the last few years include the opportunity to do a University of Canterbury Chemistry course. I have also enjoyed the Gateway opportunities, including doing a PHEC first aid course. I have done overnight tramps, including one to Lake Daniels, which really got me into tramping and climbing and bouldering. This term I am doing work experience with the Residential Red Zone team at the Christchurch City Council. I have enjoyed feeling pushed to achieve at a high level, alongside the support to reach that potential, particularly from Zack, my Chemistry Learning Advisor and Home Base Learning Advisor.