Floor Four Newsletter 15th March 2020

Kia ora whānau,

Just four more weeks of the term left – unbelievable!

Thank you to all the parents who took up Gina’s challenge last week to clean spaces if you are about at the end of the day – we really appreciate it! I am about to make the job easier too by purchasing brooms, dustpans and brushes, mini rubbish bins…

Coronavirus Conversations: A number of children have brought up concerns over the coronavirus. Our response was that although now is a good time to take extra care with hand washing, we should always do it and it’s just like any other bug which can be killed with soap, warm water and well dried hands. A handy tip is to wash your hands for the length of singing “Happy Birthday.” We talked about coughing/sneezing into our elbows and disposing of tissues properly.

Children are exposed to the media and adult conversations even when we think they are not listening. Please have conversations with your children to dispel any misinformation they may have picked up and allay any fears they may have.

It is timely to remind you to keep your child off school if they are sick to ensure the spread of any virus is contained. You will have noticed that several staff have been absent over the last few weeks as they make sure they don’t pass anything on.

Camp Invoices: Please look out for these on Tuesday evening. Thank you to all who have filled out our forms. If you have not we presume your children will be learning from home on those dates.

IEMs (Individual Education Meetings): IEMs are the most important element of a student’s learning journey and it is essential that you book one. The IEM bookings are now open. IEMs are Thursday the 9th of April and Tuesday the 28th of April.

Lost property: Please check it. Some very nice items might be making their way to the City Mission at Easter time.

Timetable: Timetable week 8

Homebase Messages:

HB Piwakawaka Art Gallery 20.3.2020

HB Pukeko HB Pukeko News and Link for Friday’s Trip

HB Ruru HB Ruru Week 7/8

HB Pouakai HB Pouakai Week 7/8

Looking forward to seeing you all in sometime this week.

Nadine and the team.