Nadine’s Community Newsletter Week 3 Term 1

Kia ora Whānau,

Welcome to week 3 of term 1 2020. 

Tomorrow sees us begin with a Mihi Whakatau on level four in the gym at 9am and then we’re off to the Botanic Gardens for the day. We hope to see as many of you as possible there. Please ensure you have filled out the google form to let us know your plans for the day.

Botanical Gardens 10th Feb

This week home bases will have a focus on setting up routines for the term, getting to know each other and working on unpacking the core values.

Here’s the timetable for week 3.

Timetable W3 T1

A Message from Debs:

Kia ora Homebase and Floor Four, 

It was fabulous to see you last week! Everybody is coming back with an expectation to experience and achieve epic things this year which is so exciting! 

Sadly I will miss the kick off tomorrow! My partner Paul and I are on a flight bound for Scotland tomorrow. Paul’s mum has been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. We had planned to visit her since finding out she was unwell but with news this morning that things are worse we must be by her side as soon as possible. I plan to be back on the 9th March all things going well.

You will be well looked after by Kate and the Level 4 community until my return.Any enquiries are best directed towards Nadine/ Niki.

Take care ,


Athletics Day

When: Thursday 27th February from 9am – 2.45pm

Where: Nga Puna Wai Sports Ground, Augustine Drive, Halswell

Who: The whole school! 

What to wear: Yr 1-6 have been allocated the colour Green (this will help us keep track of where we all are as well as being a fun addition to the day)


Every Friday we are running a program called L2L – this is short for Learning to Lead. This term our focus during the morning will be on Tools for Learning where we are hoping to have students and LAs teaching the tools you need to be a great Ao Tawhiti student. Think things like; how to walk around the building respectfully, how to make a post on Seesaw, how to find your post on Seesaw etc.

From morning tea LAs will be organising their own programs which will often include trips out around the city. Please look out for information on these on a weekly basis.

This week: Nadine and Suze’s HBs are off to the “Witches Hat Tree” and then onto Tūranga. Please fill out this form if in one of these two HBs.

14th Feb

Gina and Mel’s HBs are off to Margaret Many Playground.

Beth and Melva’s HBs are heading to 124 Lichfield Street for lunch and ball games.

Kate and Sarah’s (Debs) HBs are… well here’s a message from Kate –

Please fill in this form by 3pm this Wednesday, for our trip to the gardens on Friday 14th.

This week, we will be walking to the Botanical Gardens with our morning tea and lunch to forage for resources for the play space and spend time together, in fresh air and nature.

Everyone who has signed up to Friday sport is playing their first game this Friday. 

We will all be out and about from 11am, so an LA will walk sports people from the Band Rotunda to the playing fields in time to meet Dean for 12:55. The form for adult help for sport is included as part of the form above.

Trust Licenses

At Ao Tawhiti we offer the unique opportunity for students to gain a Trust License. In the Senior part of the school this means that students can earn the ability to work off site. In Yrs 1-6 it means we have different areas that students are able to work in depending on the level of their license. To begin with, all students will be in Harakeke. Please see the attached poster with the criteria for each level so that you can discuss this with your child. We will be unpacking this at school throughout the week and also in 1:1 meetings.

Trust licences

Junior PE & Sport

Hi all, Dean here. I am excited to take on a new role of delivering the physical education curriculum within Ao Tawhiti’s Special Character for years 1-10, and the sports organisation of the junior community. If you have an interest in supporting or helping I would love to hear from you as your passion in any sporting or recreation area could be a wonderful benefit to our Tamariki. 

Term 1 Sport:

For this term, we have teams in futsal and touch for years 5-6. We need more players for all teams – I will be encouraging more students to be involved. If you feel like your child would benefit from being part of a sports team, I would love it if you gave them a little encouragement to sign up and get involved. 

Sport is on Friday afternoons. We have our first games this week.  My goal for future teams is to have older students mentored for coaching roles and for me to support any parent help, as that is always needed. New sports will be introduced to the students and I will endeavor to increase skill level. I believe in finding intrinsic value in sport and building character from failure and success. 

Physical education this term: 

For junior physical education, I will be implementing cross-curricular subject matter into the basic fundamental movement skills. There is a great opportunity to foster physical development for our children in a structured system from 5-year-olds onwards. This can build  a strong base of capable movers and athletes who love and understand the importance of keeping active for mind and body.  If you have anything you feel your child needs to focus on, please talk to me and I will see what I can do.  


There have been a few requests for the words of our shared Karakia and Waiata. Please find these in the link below.


Code Club 

Code Club Poster

Show Quest

Open to years 5 – 13 who will be dedicated. 

Show Quest Poster

Well that’s all for now folks – sorry it’s been a long read!

Ngā mihi,

Nadine and the Team