School Strike for Climate Protest

The Strike 4 Climate movement is hosting another rally on the 5th April at 1pm in Cathedral Square. This event is an intergenerational strike which aims to put pressure on the New Zealand government and governments worldwide to take effective action to combat the impacts of climate change.

As a school we encourage our young people to be active and engaged citizens and we encourage you to talk with your child about this important issue and make a decision with them about whether they would like to attend this event or remain at school. We fully support students who wish to attend.

It is important to note that SS4C is not a school event. School will remain open and there will be no supervision by members of our staff at the rally, even if they elect to attend. We would appreciate any student wishing to attend the rally to have prior parental approval. Please message school/ your child’s HBLA if you are happy for your child to attend.

We are bound by strict MOE guidelines when marking attendance. If your child chooses to attend the rally, they will be marked as E (explained but unjustified absence).

Ngā mihi
