Term 1 PINs

It is that time already! This term, PINs will be a full day held on Thursday 15 April, the last day of term before IEMs.

For those of you new to us, PINs stands for Passions, Interests and Needs, and is an opportunity for our whole school community to be involved in our kura. Anyone can offer a workshop, from LAs, Learning Assistants, students, parents, friends of the family, the wider community… the list is limitless.

I have gathered student voice, and the things they’d like are on this form. If you – or someone you know – would like to help our ākonga fulfil a Passion, Interest or Need – please complete the form by Monday 22 March. Please note, if you intend to run a workshop for ākonga, you must have a current and valid police check on file at Ao Tawhiti, otherwise you will need to collaborate with an LA.

Any questions please contact niki.stephenson@aotawhiti.school.nz