The Press Article

Kia ora koutou whānau

The Press have done an article about Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery. The focus of this article was the statistical data that showed low attendance rates. When interviewed by the reporter we highlighted how our special character supports our learners to have the opportunity to do off-site learning, self-directed learning and individual programs.

As a school we believe that engagement in education can take many forms and we continue to be impressed by the initiative and creativity shown by our learners and families when they work with us to develop learning plans and work hard to address barriers that might otherwise impede access to educational programs.

We will continue to work closely with families to ensure all our students are engaged in learning at Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery.

If you have any concerns, or queries please do contact the school.

Ngā mihi nui
Anita Yarwood (Director) and Danette Wereta (Board Chair)