Y7-13 Hapori taster sessions – Friday 11 Feb

We need hapori selection forms completed by Monday! HERE’S THE LINK TO THE FORM

We have some great learning experiences on offer through the Friday hapori again this year. Hapori is a space for passion- and project-based learning, where the emphasis is on 21st century skills and competencies, and on developing the capacities for self-directed learning.  Year 7-13 students have six hapori to choose from – the kaupapa for each is outlined briefly below. We’re excited to have some new ones this year, as well as some of last year’s favourites continuing. 

On Friday 11 Feb, students will experience taster sessions for each hapori. This will provide a chance for ākonga to find out just what each hapori is offering and to chat with LAs and students about how their own passions and projects can be supported through the hapori. A form will be shared with students at the end of the day on Friday so they can make their selections. We’ll need all the forms completed by Monday so we can be ready for the first hapori session on Friday Feb 18.

2022 Hapori Options

This Hapori is about using the platform of games and gaming to be creative, innovative and engaged. This may include game creation, learning through games, dungeons and dragons, E-sports and other ideas that students bring to our group.
This Hapori is about embracing challenge. We enjoy the feeling of taking on new physical experiences and stepping outside of our comfort zone. You will have the opportunity to not only participate in activities others plan and organise, but also to plan and organise activities for others. Activities might include waka ama, climbing, mountain biking, hiking etc.
Over the two terms of this hāpori we will all take on different roles to work towards the common goal of Showquest. If you are into; dance, acting, music, sound effects, lighting, LED screens, costumes, wearable art or videography, then this is the space for you. 
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics could take you to Mars and back, but we’ll stick to working on your projects. Whether you want to devise Mathematical Models, work on ecology and sustainability from the climate action campus, engineer a new mode of transportation, or work on a pure Science project this is the Hapori for you.
Explore food… growing it, preparing it, cooking it, eating it and using it to nourish our relationships with each other and our community. Be prepared to work as a team, to work hard and to serve others.
Toi a hoahoa
The world of art and design at your fingertips. From drawing and painting to digital design and architecture, if you are interested in developing as an artist or designer then this Hāpori is for you!

Megan T