Know Your Purpose

Many of you will be aware that Sarah and Linda from ‘Know Your Purpose‘, a self-development program for teens, presented at Whakanuia te kanorau – Celebrating Diversity last month. They run courses for teens to, well, get to know themselves. They are running a course for 13-15-year-olds on the 20th and 21st of January and […]

Ao Tawhiti – Infosnack #1

On Thursday the 10th December, from 3.15pm-4pm. Our Ao Tawhiti Careers Advisor, Kirsty McMillan, will be hosting the first ‘Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery – Infosnack’. This will be held on the first floor stairs. This is an opportunity for specifically new families, (current families are also welcome) to learn about everything NCEA and careers from our resident […]

End of Year Picnic

On the last day of term, Friday the 11th of December 2020, we are intending on having our annual picnic at the playground/paddling pool in the Botanical Gardens. This will begin at 9am and finish at 1pm. Please can you arrange to have your son/daughter picked up by 1pm from the gardens.  We will have a staff member walking from the Bus Exchange at 9am […]


It is that time of term, and once again, we are impressed and humbled by the offers of workshops that have been made to cater for our rangatahi and their Passions, Interests and Needs. I will publish the descriptors today to give everyone a chance to read and process, and the form for selecting will […]

Tickets for the 2020 Junior Production

The 2020 Junior Production is the Greek Mythology Olympiaganza. Two battling narrators attempt to cover the entirety of Greek mythology using audience participation, crazy costume changes, and general theatrical insanity. Famous myths such as Pandora’s Box, Jason and the Argonauts (the original Super Friends), and Hercules: Intern Gods jostle for space with obscure, weird myths […]